Thursday, January 9, 2014

WW and ME

I went back to WW (Weight Watchers) this morning after a 9 month hiatus. I believe Weight Watchers is a fabulous program for losing weight. Just like aerobics class is a great place to exercise. What do both of theses have in common, other than great health benefits? You can't cheat.

Someone is watching. If you don't show up, they know it. If you goof off, they know it. If you don't follow the program and pay attention to your eating habits, it shows on the scale. And someone will see it. Even as disciplined as I am, when it comes to food and exercise, if no one is watching, I will cheat.

Both my exercise regiment and weight watchers meeting are out of pocket expenses. I pay the gym monthly, if I don't go, I might as well flush $2 down the drain every day. For every week I stay above my weight goal, it costs me money. That too is an incentive. The sooner I get back to goal, the sooner I don't have to pay to stand on the scale.

3 years ago I dropped over 20 pounds and got rid of all my fat clothes. The past few months, I am struggling to fit into those skinny jeans and opting for elastic waste pajama pants. BAD! REALLY BAD! I stopped going to weight watchers because I didn't feel I was getting much help with maintenance, I stressed every month over 1 pound off goal. It was no longer rewarding to drop the pounds, I was content with my eating habits but beating myself up when the scale tipped the wrong way. So I quit.

As the months went on I wasn't worried about 3 or 4 pounds off goal, but then come the holidays, bam, it became 7 pounds. That is the size a newborn, no wonder my jeans are so tight. So I decided to put my tail between my legs and go back. I need to revisit my eating habits, I refuse to give up my life style, so I have to modify. For example, rather than wine AND chocolate, make it wine OR chocolate. My two biggest weaknesses!

This week the meeting focused on scheduling meals. Try not to go more than 4 hours without a meal or healthy snack. I can understand that seeing I get so engrossed in my craft activities I forget to eat, then I am so ravenous, I finish off an entire casserole, right out of the frig. Breakfast? I don't usually do breakfast until lunch time. I have some work to do between now and the next meeting. Check back on 1/16 and we'll see how I did.


1 comment:

  1. I'm cheering you on. Hoping to be inspired by you on 1/16. (no pressure.)
    btw…love the name of your blog.
